2024 marks my tenth year participating in the PMC and I'm excited and honored to once again join the other riders with the amazing support and kind help from volunteers, donors, and of course family. We have all been touched at some point in our lives by Cancer, either through friends, family or even ourselves. I will be riding in memory of those who didn't win the fight and in honor of those who are winning or have just begun the battle. Please join me and help make a difference for those we love.!--p>
This year I'll be riding the Wellesley Century route but starting form and ending at home will which take me through 126 miles in total. To take part, I need to raise a minimum of $3,000 but would love to beat my fundraising from last year at over $11,000! So I am asking for your help in achieving this goal. Don't donate for me; donate for anyone you know who ha ever been affected by cancer. Any contribution you can make toward my ride would be most gratefully appreciated. Donations are tax deductible. Check if your employer has a matching gift program - an easy way to double your contribution and helps me attain my goal Event faster. Thank you for your consideration and compassion.